Why Give?

Access to community college education makes an enormous difference when it comes to helping Americans join the middle class.

  • Since 2007, the average tuition and fees at private colleges jumped 157 percent, in-state tuition and fees at public colleges increased even more—237 percent.
  • Total student-loan debt nationwide is approaching the trillion-dollar mark and default rates rising.
  • Within the next decade, the United States is projected to need an educated workforce where 60 percent of Americans have a college degree. Today only 40 percent of Americans have a degree.
  • We have a gap between rich and poor that's growing in the United States. Many consider higher education to be beyond reach due to access, cost and educational background.

With open access and just $46 per credit unit, California Community Colleges are a great solution to the challenges listed above. Community college students still need help.

  • One-third of community college students are working full-time jobs. Seventy-five percent are working.
  • A majority of students are the first in their family to attend college.
  • While the cost of tuition at Community Colleges is low, students must also pay for the cost of textbooks, tools and transportation in addition to living costs such as rent or mortgage payments and food.

Your financial contribution can help with the cost of:

  • Textbooks and basic supplies — this is often the largest student budget item estimated at nearly $1,800 a year. Text book programs help students with basic skills textbooks and allow them to resale the books to be use by other students for up to 3 years.
  • Tools – many courses and disciplines require tools, for example science lab equipment, uniforms for nurses and culinary arts students, construction trade tools, laptops for all disciplines etcetera. Students often need these items as they enter the workforce.
  • Transportation — Community Colleges are commuter campuses. Many students rely upon public transportation. Providing a U-Pass which costs $195 for the semester, relieves the cost barrier for transportation.
  • Food — Some student struggle to cover the cost of eating a healthy meal which may compromise their ability to study. In fact 62% of LACCD students reported that have experienced some form of food insecurity due to lack of funds.
  • Housing – in a Hope Lab survey 18% of LACCD students reported that they have experience homelessness. Providing provisional support to cover the cost of housing may help individual students complete their course of study and increase their earning potential.
  • Emergency Costs — Life happens. Sometimes unexpected events occur in the lives of community college students that compromise their ability to continue their education – a flat tire or car repair, medical costs, or a family emergency. A little extra financial help can go along way and make a real difference in helping a student stay in college.