District Academic Senate
Welcome to the District Academic Senate
DAS Member Information
Name | Title | Contact |
Angela C. Echeverri | President, District Academic Senate | (213) 891-2294 echeveac@laccd.edu |
Jeffrey Hernandez | 1st Vice President /Equivalency | (323) 265-8824 |
Elizabeth Atondo | 2nd Vice President /Curriculum | (818) 421-0969 |
Anna A. Nicholas | Secretary, District Academic Senate | (818) 710-4280 nicholaa@laccd.edu |
Barbara Anderson | Treasurer, District Academic Senate | (213) 891-2373 |
Don Gauthier | Immediate Past President | (213) 891-2296 |
John Freitas III | Parliamentarian, District Academic Senate | freitaje@laccd.edu |
Eloise M. Crippens | Equivalency Coordinator | (213) 891-2296 |
Colleges | Senate Presidents | Senators/DAS Representatives |
City | Anna Le | Kim Dinh (Fall 2024)/Corinna Jobe (Spring 2025) Joseph Ferrerosa Donna Morley |
East | Leticia Barajas | Amanda Andrade Nohelia Canales Jean Stapleton |
Harbor | Van Paul Chaney | William Hernandez Adrienne Brown Vacant |
Mission | Maryanne Galindo |
Kelly Enos |
Pierce | Margarita Pillado | Jose Luis Fernandez Jennifer Moses Eddie Tchertchian |
Southwest | Erum Syed | Stephanie Arms-Gradington Naja El-Khoury Katrin Wilson |
Trade-Tech | Marvin DaCosta | Paulette Bailey/Cindy Dominguez (as of December 2024) Deirdre McDermott Alicia Rodriquez-Estrada |
Valley | Edgar Perez | Arasya Arutunyan Chauncey Maddren Kevin Sanford |
West | Patricia Zuk |
Grace Chee |
Shared Governance Agreement
The DAS is charged under Title 5, Section 53200 of the California Educational Code with representing the faculty of the Los Angeles Community College District in all academic and professional matters (10+1). The 10+1 areas include the following policy development and implementation matters:
- Curriculum including establishing prerequisites and placing course within disciplines;
- Degree and certificate requirements;
- Grading policies;
- Educational program development;
- Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success;
- District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles;
- Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports;
- Policies for faculty professional development activities;
- Processes for program review;
- Processes for institutional planning and budget development;
- Other academic and professional matters as are mutually agreed upon between the governing board and the academic senate.
For More Information or Assistance
For more information on the implementation agreements between the District Academic Senate and the Board of Trustees, please refer to the Governance link in the left menu, and to Chapter XVIII, Article 1 of the District Board Rules (see the Board of Trustees webpage).
The DAS Executive Committee is composed of six officers and the Senate presidents from the nine colleges. Three additional representatives are selected from each college as campus representatives, and combined with the members of the Executive Committee, constitute the full District Academic Senate.
As set forth in the DAS Constitution, the Exec Committee brings issues, resolutions and other matters from the Educational Services Center and the nine college senates to the full District Academic Senate for discussion and action. If approved, the Exec then sends approved motions to the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees, where depending on the type of issue, and through the shared governance process, the Senate and the Board will seek mutual agreement or rely primarily on the Senate's recommendations as defined in Article XVIII of the LACCD Board Rules.
DAS Executive meetings are generally held monthly throughout the year at the District Office, while the entire DAS meets at one of the nine campuses at least five times per year. You can access the "DAS Master Calendar" for dates and locations of meetings and events from the menu on the left.
Notices of meetings, including agendas, minutes and relevant background materials are posted in the lobby of the LACCD Educational Services Center at 770 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA and online under "Agendas". You may also request an electronic copy of DAS meeting agenda over email at @email
Agendas & Minutes
To access DAS and DAS Exec meeting documents, including agendas and minutes, go to https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/laccd/Board.nsf/Public.
- 02092017 - DAS Regular - Agenda LAVC
- 20141205-DAS Exec-Agenda
- 20141211-DAS-Agenda
- 20150204-DASEXEC-Retreat Agenda
- 20150212-DAS-Agenda
- 20150212-DAS-Agenda-amended-LAVC
- 20150312-DAS-Agenda-final
- 20150327-DAS Exec-Agenda
- 20150417-DAS EXEC-Agenda
- 20150514 -DAS -Agenda
- 20150518-DAS EXEC-Agenda
- 20150612 - DAS Exec -Agenda
- 20150710- DAS Exec -Agenda
- 20150818 - DAS Exec Retreat Agenda
- 20161208 - DAS - Agenda - ELAC
- 2017_03_17_DAS PDC Agenda
- 20171214 - DAS - Agenda- VALLEY
- Chancellor's Consultation agenda 2-15-22
- DAS Agenda 10-10-19
- DAS Agenda 10-11-18 (Revised)
- DAS Agenda 10-11-18
- DAS Agenda 10-12-17(Final)
- DAS Agenda 10-12-17
- DAS Agenda 10-13-22 - updated
- DAS Agenda 10-13-22
- DAS Agenda 12-12-19
- DAS Agenda 12-13-18.docx
- DAS Agenda 12-14-17
- DAS Agenda 12-8-22
- DAS Agenda 2-13-20
- DAS Agenda 2-14-19 (Revised)
- DAS Agenda 2-14-19 final
- DAS Agenda 2-8-18
- DAS Agenda 2-9-23
- DAS Agenda 3-10-22
- DAS Agenda 3-12-20
- DAS Agenda 3-14-19 final
- DAS Agenda 3-14-19
- DAS Agenda 3-8-18
- DAS Agenda 3-9-23
- DAS Agenda 3-9-23-Posted 5 Alternate Locations
- DAS Agenda 5-10-18
- DAS Agenda 5-11-23
- DAS Agenda 5-12-22
- DAS Agenda 5-9-19 (Revised)
- DAS Agenda 5-9-19
- DAS Agenda 9-13-18.docx
- DAS Agenda 9-14-17(Rev)
- DAS Agenda 9-8-22
- DAS Agenda 9-8-22
- DAS Exec Agenda (3-3-23)
- DAS Exec Agenda (4-14-23)
- DAS Exec Agenda (5-5-23)
- DAS Exec Agenda (5-6-22)
- DAS Exec Agenda (6-2-23)
- DAS Exec Agenda 10-20-17
- DAS Exec Agenda 10-4-19 (revised)
- DAS Exec Agenda 10-4-19
- DAS Exec Agenda 10-5-18
- DAS Exec Agenda 10-7-22 - UPDATED
- DAS Exec Agenda 10-7-22
- DAS Exec Agenda 11-1-19
- DAS Exec Agenda 11-16-18
- DAS Exec Agenda 11-17-17
- DAS Exec Agenda 11-18-22 (REV)
- DAS Exec Agenda 11-18-22
- DAS Exec Agenda 1-18-19
- DAS Exec Agenda 1-20-23- updated
- DAS Exec Agenda 1-20-23
- DAS Exec Agenda 1-21-22
- DAS Exec Agenda 12-15-17
- DAS Exec Agenda 12-2-22
- DAS Exec Agenda 12-7-18
- DAS Exec Agenda 2-23-18
- DAS Exec Agenda 2-3-23
- DAS Exec Agenda 2-4-22
- DAS Exec Agenda 2-7-20
- DAS Exec Agenda 2-8-19
- DAS Exec Agenda 3-16-18
- DAS Exec Agenda 3-4-2022
- DAS Exec Agenda 3-4-22 FINAL
- DAS Exec Agenda 3-6-20
- DAS Exec Agenda 3-8-19
- DAS Exec Agenda 4-15-22
- DAS Exec Agenda 4-19-19
- DAS Exec Agenda 4-20-18
- DAS Exec Agenda 5-18-18
- DAS Exec Agenda 5-3-19
- DAS Exec Agenda 6-23-23
- DAS Exec Agenda 6-4-21
- DAS Exec Agenda 6-7-19
- DAS Exec Agenda 6-8-18.docx
- DAS Exec Agenda 7-16-21
- DAS Exec Agenda 7-19-19
- DAS Exec Agenda 7-20-18
- DAS Exec Agenda 8-11-17
- DAS Exec Agenda 8-19-22
- DAS Exec Agenda 8-2-19
- DAS Exec Agenda 8-3-18
- DAS Exec Agenda 9-2-22
- DAS Exec Agenda 9-3-21 rev
- DAS Exec Agenda 9-6-19-final
- DAS Exec Agenda 9-7-18.docx
- DAS Exec Agenda 9-8-17(Revised)
- DAS Exec Retreat Agenda 1-17-20
- May 2015 DAS-Agenda
Consultation Agenda
- 20150210-Consultation Agenda
- 20150420-Consultation Agenda - Joint Exec - Presidents
- 20150615-Consultation Agenda
- Chancellor's Consultation 10-17-17
- Chancellor's Consultation 10-8-19
- Chancellor's Consultation 10-9-18
- Chancellor's Consultation 11-13-17
- Chancellor's Consultation 1-14-20
- Chancellor's Consultation 1-15-19
- Chancellor's Consultation 11-5-19
- Chancellor's Consultation 11-6-18
- Chancellor's Consultation 1-18-18
- Chancellor's Consultation 12-10-19
- Chancellor's Consultation 12-6-18
- Chancellor's Consultation 2-5-19
- Chancellor's Consultation 3-3-20
- Chancellor's Consultation 4-17-18
- Chancellor's Consultation 4-9-19
- Chancellor's Consultation 5-15-18
- Chancellor's Consultation 5-7-19
- Chancellor's Consultation 6-11-19
- Chancellor's Consultation 6-12-18
- Chancellor's Consultation 8-10-17 Agenda
- Chancellor's Consultation 8-14-18
- Chancellor's Consultation 9-10-19
- Chancellor's Consultation 9-18-17 Agenda
- Chancellor's Consultation Agenda 10-11-2022
- Chancellor's Consultation agenda 10-12-21
- Chancellor's Consultation Agenda 1-17-23
- Chancellor's Consultation Agenda 11-8-2022
- Chancellor's Consultation agenda 1-18-22
- Chancellor's Consultation Agenda 2-14-23
- Chancellor's Consultation agenda 3-5-19 (Revised)
- Chancellor's Consultation agenda 4-12-22
- Chancellor's Consultation agenda 5-10-22
- Chancellor's Consultation Agenda 5-9-23
- Chancellor's Consultation agenda 6-2-23
- Chancellor's Consultation agenda 8-5-22
- Chancellor's Consultation agenda 9-20-22
- Consultation Agenda 3-15-22
- Consultation Agenda 4-11-2023
- Consultation Agenda 8-23-19
- 20120523 -DAS EXEC -Minutes
- 20120628 -DAS EXEC -Minutes
- 20120927 -DAS EXEC -Minutes
- 20121025-DASEXEC-Minutes
- 20130425- DAS Exec - Minutes
- 20130523- DAS Exec - Minutes
- 20130627 - DAS Exec - Minutes
- 20140213 -DAS -Minutes
- 20140213-DAS-Minutes
- 20140425 -DAS Exec -Minutes
- 20140522 -DAS Exec -Minutes
- 20140522 -DAS Exec -Minutes-Final
- 20140522-DAS Exec-Minutes
- 20140626 -DAS Exec -Minutes
- 20140905 -DAS EXEC -Minutes
- 20140911 -DAS -Minutes
- 20141003 -DAS EXEC -Minutes
- 20141009 -DAS -Minutes
- 20141107 -DAS Exec -MINUTES
- 20141205 -DAS Exec -Minutes
- 20141211 -DAS -Minutes
- 20150204 -DAS EXEC -MINUTES
- 20150325 -DAS Exec-Minutes
- 20150518 -DAS Exec -Minutes
- 20150910 -DAS -Minutes
- 20151008 -DAS -Minutes
- 20151016 -DAS EXEC -Minutes
- 20151112 -DAS -Minutes
- 20151120 -DAS EXEC -Minutes
- 20151210 -DAS -Minutes
- 20151217 -DAS EXEC -Minutes
- 20160129 -DAS Exec -Minutes
- 20160211 -DAS -Minutes
- 20160318 -DAS EXEC -Minutes
- 20160414 -DAS -Minutes
- 20160512 -DAS -Minutes
- 20160520 -DAS EXEC -Minutes
- 20160713 - Board Report
- 20160715 -DAS Exec -Minutes
- 20160907 - Board Report - LAMC
- 20160908 -DAS -Meeting
- 20160916 -DAS Exec -Minutes
- 20161013 -DAS -Minutes
- 20161021 -DAS Exec -Minutes
- 20161118 -DAS Exec -Minutes
- 20161208 -DAS -Minutes
- 20161216 -DAS Exec -Minutes
- 20170120 -DAS Retreat -Minutes
- 20170209 -DAS -Minutes
- 20170309-DAS -Minutes
- 20170413 -DAS -Minutes
- 20170519-DAS Exec -Minutes
- Academically Speaking Spring 2018 Vol.1
- DAS Exec 11-20-17 Minutes (approved)
- DAS Exec 2-23-18 Minutes
- DAS Exec 6-16-17 Minutes (Approved)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (August 7, 2020) APPROVED
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (May 3 2019)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (November 13, 2020)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (11-20-17)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (April 19, 2019)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (August 2, 2019)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (December 4, 2020)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (February 5, 2021) FINAL
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (January 17 2020) Approved
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (January 22, 2021) Approved
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (July 17, 2020) Approved
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (July 19, 2019)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (June 26, 2020) Approved
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (June 4, 2021) approved
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (June 7, 2019)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (March 5, 2021) FINAL
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (March 8 2019)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (May 7, 2021) Approved
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (May 8, 2020) Approved
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (November 1 2019)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (November 1, 2019)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (September 4, 2020)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes (September 6 2019)
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes 10-4-19
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes 12-3-21
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes 4-20-18
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes 5-18-18
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes 6-8-18
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes 7-20-18
- DAS Exec Meeting Minutes 8-3-18
- DAS Exec Minutes (April 23, 2021)
- DAS Exec Minutes 10-20-17
- DAS Exec Minutes 10-5-18
- DAS Exec Minutes 10-7-2022
- DAS Exec Minutes 11-12-21
- DAS Exec Minutes 11-16-18
- DAS Exec Minutes 11-18-22
- DAS Exec Minutes 1-18-19
- DAS Exec Minutes 1-19-18
- DAS Exec Minutes 1-21-22
- DAS Exec Minutes 12-15-17 (Approved)
- DAS Exec Minutes 12-2-22
- DAS Exec Minutes 12-7-18
- DAS Exec Minutes 2-23-18
- DAS Exec Minutes 2-3-23
- DAS Exec Minutes 2-4-22
- DAS Exec Minutes 2-8-19
- DAS Exec Minutes 3-16-18
- DAS Exec Minutes 3-3-23
- DAS Exec Minutes 4-14-23
- DAS Exec Minutes 4-15-22
- DAS Exec Minutes 5-5-23
- DAS Exec Minutes 5-6-22
- DAS Exec Minutes 5-8-21
- DAS Exec Minutes 6-3-22
- DAS Exec Minutes 6-4-21
- DAS Exec Minutes 6-8-18
- DAS Exec Minutes 7-15-22
- DAS Exec Minutes 7-16-21
- DAS Exec Minutes 8-11-17 (Approved)
- DAS Exec Minutes 8-19-22
- DAS Exec Minutes 8-20-21
- DAS Exec Minutes 9-2-22
- DAS Exec Minutes 9-3-21
- DAS Exec Minutes 9-6-21
- DAS Exec Minutes 9-7-18
- DAS Exec Minutes 9-8-17
- DAS Meeting Minutes (March 12, 2020) Approved
- DAS Meeting Minutes 3-14-19
- DAS Meeting Minutes - October 10 2019
- DAS Meeting Minutes (December 10, 2020) Approved
- DAS Meeting Minutes (February 11, 2021) FINAL
- DAS Meeting Minutes (October 8, 2020)
- DAS Meeting Minutes (September 10, 2020)
- DAS Meeting Minutes 10-11-18
- DAS Meeting Minutes 10-12-17
- DAS Meeting Minutes 10-14-21
- DAS Meeting Minutes 12-13-18
- DAS Meeting Minutes 12-14-17
- DAS Meeting Minutes 2-14-19
- DAS Meeting Minutes 3-8-18
- DAS Meeting Minutes 5-10-18
- DAS Meeting Minutes 9-13-18
- DAS Meeting Minutes 9-14-17
- DAS Minutes 12-8-22
- DAS Minutes 2-10-2022
- DAS Minutes 2-9-23
- DAS Minutes 5-11-17
- DAS Minutes 5-12-22
- DAS Minutes 9-12-19
- DAS Minutes 9-8-22