Safety and Security Services

Who We Are
Safety and Security Services is a small department of four. This department is responsible for Sheriff contract oversight and compliance, design, development, and implementation of the District’s Emergency Operations Plan and training and exercise programs related to the contents of the District’s Emergency Operations Plan. In addition to physical security and organizational emergency management initiatives, Safety and Security Services currently provides oversight for districtwide Environmental Health & Safety programs. The Safety and Security Oversight Committee (SSOC) is chaired by Safety and Security Services. The SSOC is open to the public, agendas and meeting minutes are posted to Board Docs.
- District Emergency Operations Plan
- Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
- Everbridge Mobile Application Download vignette
- LASD listing of phone numbers
- Emergency response procedures
- Personal Safety Tips
- First Aid resources
- Mental Health Resources
- Annual Security Report Links
- Title IX and Sexual Assault Resource
- Safety and Security Oversight Committee (SSOC) Meeting Minutes

LACCD Alerts Employee Self-Serve Instructions