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African American Outreach Initiative Logo

Community Ambassadors

To improve the District's outreach to the African American community in Los Angeles, we invite all District faculty and staff to serve as “Community Ambassadors” to their civic organization, place of worship, or neighborhood clubs or groups with which they are affiliated. Community Ambassadors will be asked to serve as a resource between their organization and LACCD. This may include providing information such as brochures and class schedules or workshops about college to the group.

The purpose of these presentations includes:

  • Introducing the members of your place of worship, club, or organization to the benefits of college and the resources our colleges can offer them
  • Discussing the concerns members of your place of worship, club, or organization have about attending college
  • Providing meeting or activity attendees with follow-up contact information for LACCD colleges

Community Ambassador Role

As a community ambassador, we ask that you be the liaison between your organization and LACCD. This may include providing information such as brochures and class schedules or workshops about college to your group. Community Ambassadors may also have the opportunity to attend various community events such as the Angel City Classic and Taste of Soul and represent the district.

Requirements / Application

There is no specified demographic profile or prior experience that is required in order to participate in this District-wide project. Your enthusiasm and commitment to helping others is all that is needed. Training and materials will be provided to you. If you are interested in serving as a Community Ambassador or have additional questions, please contact the AAOI Chair. We look forward to working with you on this project.

Current Community Ambassadors

Community Ambassadors are located at all nine colleges and the district office.