Union Representation

Most of the District's employees are covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements. Upon being offered regular employment with the District, information will be available regarding whether or not your job classification is represented by an employee organization, if applicable, and your rights to join, support, or refrain from joining or supporting such employee organization. All questions concerning union representation should be referred to the Office of Employee and Labor Relations, Human Resources Division at (213) 891-2442.

Union Representative

Clerical and Technical Employees AFT College Staff Guild
Operations & Maintenance Employees S.E.I.U., Local 99
Craft Employees Building Trades Council
Supervisory Employees

S.E.I.U., Local 721

Faculty Guild AFT Local 1521 
Academic Supervisors (Deans) Teamsters Local 911 

Rules and policies for the working conditions for employees serving in management and confidential classified positions are prescribed by the Personnel Commission and Board of Trustees.