books stacked on their side

Institutional Review Board

The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) recognizes the important role of research as a method for building knowledge, as a means to understanding various issues, and as an approach to enhancing the services we provide to students. To help ensure that the rights and welfare of human subjects are protected for those who participate in research conducted by the LACCD Colleges and Educational Service Center, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) was established.

More Information About the LACCD IRB

Our employees and students, as well external researchers, may be permitted to conduct research at the District providing that their work meets a certain standard of integrity, aligns with District's mission and vision, and demonstrates a clear benefit to the District. To meet these criteria, the researcher must complete the following steps:

  1. Complete Required Human Subjects Research Training (
  2. Obtain Institutional Approval
  3. Submit an IRB Application & Supporting Documentation
  4. Maintain Research Protocol

More Information About Submitting a Research Proposal (DOC)

LACCD IRB Charter and Operating Procedures

If you have any questions or to submit an application, please contact our office: @email.

IRB Forms

Applications below are for initial review of proposed research projects. Please ensure the appropriate form is used, based on the level of IRB review required for your research, and that the Institutional Approval Form is completed by the research office(s) of the campus(es) where the research will take place. If unsure about which level of review is appropriate, please see above (More Information About the LACCD IRB link) or see the OHRP Decision Charts.  If the application is incomplete, this will delay the review process. 





The following are sample consent forms:

LACCD Consent Form (DOC)

LACCD Consent Form for Minors (DOC)


If, during the course of your research, an unanticipated problem occurs, the IRB should be notified within 72 hours. 



After your protocol has been approved, complete the amendment application if there is a change in research protocols, forms, or personnel. 


Complete a Continuing Review Application only if you have an active protocol that you want to renew. IRB approval is only valid for one year and after this time frame, you must submit another application to continue your research.



A Final Report Form should be completed after you have finished your investigation and a data analysis has been conducted. 


IRB Committee Meetings

The IRB Committee will meet quarterly to review expedited and full IRB review protocols.  The meetings are held over zoom, and we require that expedited and full review research protocols be submitted three weeks before the meeting date, so as to have enough time to ensure the application is complete and the committee has time to review the protocol. We suggest the Principal Investigator be present at the IRB meeting in order to answer any questions from the committee. 

​Application Due Dates ​IRB Meeting Dates
Thursday, January 2, 2025  Winter: January 28, 2025 @ 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 Spring: April 22, 2025 @ 4:00 p.m.
​Tuesday, July 1, 2025 Summer: July 22, 2025 @ 4:00 p.m.
​Tuesday, October 7, 2025 Fall: October 28, 2025 @ 4:00 p.m.



​Protocol Number (College) 
& Application Type
Title (& Principal Investigator)

​Disposition & Dates When Protocol Is Valid

2023-176-02 (East) - Expedited Impact of the NextUp Program on College Success for Community College Foster Youth Students (Danelle Fallert)

Approved: 7/5/2023

Expires: 7/4/2023

2023-175-05 (Pierce) - Exempt Bridging Non-STEM And STEM Math Tracks: An Interest-Based Intervention To Increase Community College STEM Opportunity (Adrianna Kezar)

Approved: 6/5/2023

Expires: n/a

2023-174-02 (East) - Expedited Dual Enrollment for Equitable Completion (DE4EC) Learning and Evaluation (Rogeair Purnell)

Approved: 6/5/2023

Expires: 6/4/2023

2023-173-02 (East) - Exempt Health and Wellness Study (Randy Ludwig)

Approved: 4/28/2023

Expires: n/a

2023-172-02 (East) - Exempt The Relationship between Facets of Trait Mindfulness and Perceived Attention Control in College Students (Catherine Lee)

Approved: 5/2/23

Expires: n/a

2023-171-01 (City) - Expedited U.S. Department of Education Basic Needs, Annual Evaluation of the Los Angeles City College Resources for Success (RFS) Discretionary Grant Program (Jess Lawson-Adams)

Approved: 5/3/23


2023-170-06 (Southwest, Mission, East) - Exempt Addressing the Underrepresentation of Women in Undergraduate
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math: A Focus on African American and Hispanic Women in Community College Programs (Federico Saucedo)

Approved: 4/5/23  Expires: n/a

2020-04-101 (Mission) – Exempt ​Building Capacity: An Intervention to Improve Success of Biology Majors in Mathematics (Par Mohammadian)

Approved: 3/6/23 Expires: n/a   (original app: 3/2/20)

2023-165-09 (West) First-Generation College Students’ Perception of Online Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Jeanene Ames) Approved
2023-166-01 (City) Expanding the Workforce Using Extended Reality in Community College Career Technical Education: A Phenomenological Study of Faculty Perspective (Jeannie Mitsch)

Approved: 3/6/23 Expires: n/a

2023-163-04 (Mission) Low Retention Rates in Adult Education Students at a Community College (Maricela Andrade) Approved
2022-157-08 (Valley) Students’ Major Pathway Selection Process from the California Community College Counselor Perspective in Light of the Guided Pathways Movement (Kassidy Camilleri) Approved
2023-164-10 (City, East, Harbor, Mission, Pierce, Southwest, Trade, Valley, West) - Full AB 705 and Students with Learning Disabilities: Impact and Practice in Mathematics (Sheri Berger) Approved
2022-160-04 (Mission) Collaborative Research: Using Communities of Practice to Transform STEM Education for Latinx Students at Two-Year Hispanic Serving Institutions (KickStarter 2.0) (Caroline Vanlngen-Dunn) Approved
2022-150-10 (City, East, Harbor, Mission, Pierce, Southwest, Trade, Valley, West) - Expedited Exploring Successful Practices in Implementing AB 705 for Mathematics Students with Learning Disabilities (Sheri Berger) Approved
2022-156-04 (Mission) - Expedited Their Voices, Their Stories: A Critical Narrative Inquiry Study on the Gendered Experiences of Latino Men in Community College (Kristina Gonzalez) Approved
2022-151-08 (Valley) - Exempt Facilitating Student Learning using Cognitive Presence, Social Presence, and Teaching Presence in an Online Environment (Preethamol Puthiakunnel) Approved
2022-149-09 (West) Business Ethics Education: an empirical study between Brazil and the United States (Zeneida Parente) Approved
2022-153-09 (West, City, East, Harbor, Mission, Pierce, Southwest, Trade, Valley) - Exempt EOPS Program Study: Identifying Student Utilization and Satisfaction of Effective Support Services for Low-Income First-Generation Community College Students (Angeles Abraham) Approved
2022-145-02 (East) - Full 

East Los Angeles College Oral History Project (Rafael Mazon)

​2021-147-02 (East) – Exempt Examining Actions Toward Change Among Higher Education Practitioner in Support of Undocumented Students                (Esmeralda Hernandez-Hamed)


​2021-148-08 (Valley) – Exempt Increasing Equity and Success: Re-envisioning Calculus for Life Sciences (Scarlet Sarkissian) Approved
​2021-126-04 (Mission) – Exempt ​Increasing Equity and Success: Re-envisioning Calculus for Life Sciences (Bamdad Samii) ​Approved
​2022-142-10 (ESC) – Full ​LA College Promise: Outreach & Recruitment of Former Foster Youth (Deborah Harringtom) ​​​Approved
​​​​​​2021-121-05 (Pierce) – Exempt ​Advanced Student-focused Projects: Internship, Research, and Education (ASPIRE) (Aaron Kamajaya) Approved Renewed
(original approval: 3/5/21)
​2022-138-09 (West) – Exempt ​Career Technical Education Awards for West Los Angeles College Dental Assisting Students (Raquel Medina) ​​​Approved
​2021-136-07 (Trade, City, Harbor, Pierce) – Exempt ​Where Afrocentricity, Cultural Proficiency, and Emancipatory Pedagogies Enable Student Success (Daniel Tabor) ​​Approved
​2022-144-02 (East) – Expedited ​Change Towards Inclusive Excellence: Document Analysis on California Community Colleges Student Equity Plans (Cecil Chik) ​Approved
​2022-143-08 (Valley, East) – Exempt ​Urban Community College Students and On-Campus Green Space: Supporting Student Mental Well-being (Cecilia Cruz) Approved
​2021-120-04 (Mission) – Exempt ​​Expanding the Biotech Pipeline to Include Non-Traditional Students (Chander Arora) ​​​​Approval Renewed
3/9/22 - 3/8/23
(original approval: 2/16/21)
​​​2020-02-113 (Pierce) – Exempt ​​Improving Student Career Readiness through Experiential Learning and Internships (Elizabeth Cheung) Approval Renewed
3/3/22 - 3/2/23
(original approval: 12/18/20)
​2020-04-101 (Mission) – Exempt ​Building Capacity: An Intervention to Improve Success of Biology Majors in Mathematics (Par Mohammadian) ​Approval Renewed
3/2/22 - 3/1/23
(original aproval: 3/2/20)
​2022-141-10 (East, City, Harbor, Mission, Pierce, Southwest, Trade, Valley, & West) –Expedited ​LA College Promise: Outreach and Recruitment of Former Foster Youth
(Deborah Harrington)
​2022-137-02 (East) ​Health and Wellness Study
(Randy Ludwig)
1/31/22 - 1/30/23
​2021-130-08 (Valley) – Exempt Facilitating Conditions that Increase Faculty Perceived Usefulness of Learning Management Systems: A Multiple-Case Study (Darnell Kemp) ​​Approved
1/19/22 - 1/18/23
​2021-133-06 (Southwest) – Expedited ​Spotlighting Colorism: The Impact on Five Teachers of Color including Two Racial and Ethnic Groups in an Early Childhood Education Center in a Southern California (Leanora Hardy) ​Approved
1/18/22 - 1/17/23
​2021-135-02 (East, City, Harbor, Mission, Pierce, Southwest, Trade, Valley, & West) – Expedited Addressing Racial Equity Gaps in Mathematics at the Community College Level: A Policy Analysis of Assembly Bill 705 (Laura Cruz-Atrian) ​​​Approved
12/17/21 - 12/16/22
​2021-134-04 (Mission) – Expedited ​Landscape, Well-being, and Resilience: A Qualitative Study of Community College Students' Perceptions of Campus Attributes (Lori Pullman) ​Approved
12/17/21 - 12/16/22
​​​2021-132-02689 (East, Southwest, Valley & West) – Exempt ​Exploring Academic Success Factors for Black Male students in California Community Colleges (Julius Munyantwali) ​​Approved
11/5/21 - 11/4/22
​​​2021-131-02 (East) – Exempt ​Math Self – Efficacy of Latinx/Hispanix/Chicanx Students in Higher Education and its Effects on Math Academic Outcomes (Diana Sarceño) ​​Approved
11/5/21 - 11/4/22
​​2021-127-08 (Valley & Pierce) – Exempt ​HSI Implementation and Evaluation Project: Pathways and Career Explorations in STEM (PaCES)
(Becky Green-Marroquin)
8/5/21 - 8/4/22
​​2021-126-02 (East) – Expedited ​Latinx in College: A Case Study of the Latinx Experience in Community College Student Support Programs (Gabriela Delgado) ​Approved
7/27/21 - 7/26/22
​2021-124-06 (Southwest) – Expedited ​Teaching and Learning Institute   (Stephanie Burrus) ​Approved
7/7/21 - 7/6/22
​2021-128-09 (West) – Exempt ​PRECiSE (Precalculus Computing in SciencE) (Manish Patel) ​Approved
6/25/21 - 6/24/22
​​​​​​​2021-125-02 (East) – Exempt ​California Community Colleges Counselors: Counseling after AB 705 and in a Pandemic (Nancy Acevedo-Gil) ​​Approved
6/10/21 - 6/9/22
​​​​​​2021-123-01 (City) – Exempt ​Socio-Politically Conscious Leadership (Alen Andriassian) ​Approved
4/21/21 - 4/20/22
​​​​​2021-122-02 (East) – Exempt ​The Effects of a 16-week Zumba College Course on Motivation and Enjoyment of Physical Activity within College Students: A Pilot Study (Isabel Woelfel) ​​Approved
3/5/21 - 3/4/22
​​​​​2021-121-05 (Pierce) – Exempt ​Advanced Student-focused Projects: Internship, Research, and Education (ASPIRE) (Aaron Kamajaya) ​​​Approved
3/5/21 - 3/4/22
​​​​​2021-118-01 (City) – Exempt ​A Study on Policy Impact: Improving Graduation Equity in Community Colleges (Gohar Momjian) ​​​Approved
3/5/21 - 3/4/22
​​​​​2021-119-05 (Pierce) – Exempt ​The Effects of Simulation on Clinical Reasoning Skills in Associate Degree Nursing Students (Kim Ormiston) ​​​Approved
3/4/21 - 3/3/22
​​​2020-04-101 (Mission) – Exempt ​​​Building Capacity: An Intervention to Improve Success of Biology Majors in Mathematics (Par Mohammadian) Renewal ​Approved
3/1/21 - 2/28/22
(original approval: 3/2/20)
​​​​​2021-120-04 (Mission) – Exempt ​Expanding the Biotech Pipeline to Include Non-Traditional Students (Chander Arora) ​​​Approved
2/16/21 - 2/15/22
​​​​​2021-117-02 (East) – Exempt ​A Beta Study of the Achieve for Psychology Platform in Psychology Classes (Marcy Baughman) ​Approved
2/11/21 - 2/10/22
​​​​2020-01-115 (City) – Exempt ​Community College Veterans’ Perceptions (Rob Sambrano) ​Approved
1/13/21 - 1/12/22
​​​2020-02-114 (East) – Exempt ​Racial Microaggression Experiences of Latinx Community College Students (Maria Reyes) ​Approved
1/13/21 - 1/12/22
​​2020-02-113 (Pierce) – Exempt ​Improving Student Career Readiness through Experiential Learning and Internships (Elizabeth Cheung) ​Approved
12/18/20 - 12/17/21
​2020-02-112 (East) – Exempt ​Factors Associated with Delaying the Registered Health Information Technology Certification Examination (Monica Thurston) ​​Approved
11/20/20 - 11/19/21
​2020-08-111 (Valley) – Exempt Representation as Motivation: Perspectives of First-Generation African American Male Students on Instructors of Shared Identity (Brandon Harris) ​Approved
10/23/20 - 10/22/21
​2020-08-110 (Valley) – Exempt ​Leadership Within Academic Departments (Krista Lough)  ​Approved
9/25/20 - 9/24/21
​2020-06-109 (Southwest – Exempt ​ An Examination of Community College Minority Athletes' (Robert Estrada) ​Approved
9/25/20 - 9/24/21
​2020-02-106 (East, Southwest, Valley) – Exempt ​Racial Colorblindness in Nursing Students and Nursing Faculty
(Tammy Bathke)
9/2/20 - 9/1/21
​2020-08-108 (Valley) – Exempt ​Proactive Advising and its Impact on Black Students (Jermain Pipkins) ​Approved
8/20/20 - 8/19/21
​2020-04-107 (Mission) – Exempt ​Success and retention of anatomy students in on-campus vs hybrid course offering (Par Mohammadian) ​Approved
​7/22/20 - 7/21/21
​2020-01-104 (City) – Exempt ​ASSURE: Advancing Scholars in Successful Undergraduate Research Experience (Glen Baghdasarian) ​Approved
​6/26/20 - 6/25/21
​​​​2020-04-101 (Mission) –​​​​​​​ Exempt ​​Building Capacity: An Intervention to Improve Success of Biology Majors in Mathematics (Par Mohammadian) Approved
​3/2/20 - 3/1/21



Approved: 6/5/2023

Expires: 6/4/2023


Approved: 6/5/2023

Expires: 6/4/2023


Approved: 3/6/23 Expires: n/a


​2020-04-101 (Mission) – Exempt ​Building Capacity: An Intervention to Improve Success of Biology Majors in Mathematics (Par Mohammadian) ​Approval Renewed
3/2/22 - 3/1/23
(original approval: 3/2/20)