EPIE District Strategic Plan

District Strategic Plan

Our Goals

Comprised of the nine colleges; Los Angeles City College, East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles Harbor College, Los Angeles Mission College, Los Angeles Pierce College, Los Angeles Southwest College, Los Angeles Trade Technical College, Los Angeles Valley College, and West Los Angeles College, we, the Los Angeles Community College District have set these goals as fundamental to the success of our District, the colleges, and the students we serve.

We will increase the college going rate for the Los Angeles region through enhanced outreach to community and educational partners and expanded access to educational programs that meet community and student needs.

We will develop a premier learning environment that places students as the first priority in the institution and effectively supports students in attaining educational goals.

We will increase student completion to exceed the statewide performance measures and increase attainment of milestones indicative of academic success.

We will improve organizational effectiveness at the ESC and among the colleges through streamlined processes, minimized duplication of efforts, and enhanced communication and training.

We will improve fiscal integrity through enhanced resource development, institutional advancement, and effective use of existing resources