Design Standards


The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Facilities Design Guidelines and Standards (Standards) have been developed with input and feedback from the LACCDs Facilities, Planning and Development Department for use by Design Teams and District personnel who participate in design and construction processes District-Wide. The information presented here is to be used as Standards for all projects undertaken within the District, with the goal to provide long-lasting, sustainable buildings that can be maintained in a way that extends the building lifespan and enhances user satisfaction. Provisions in Volumes 1, 2, and 3 are intended to establish a set of minimum Standards for new and renovation projects for LACCD, and are based on experiences with existing campus buildings, systems, and maintenance and operations.

The minimum criteria for the establishment of these standards are quality, maintenance, cost, location, energy efficiency, life cycle costs, and safety. LACCDs Standards are for standardization on all nine campuses and satellite locations. In most cases, current District Specifications are incorporated into this document. However, there may be differences between the standards included herein with those produced by each College.

In the event of conflicting information within the Design Guidelines & Standards the following precedence shall prevail:

  • Volume 2 District Specifications
  • Volume 1 Design Guidelines and Standards
  • Volume 2 Campus Specifications Matrix

Volume 1 | District Guidelines and Standards

Volume 1 provides overall guidelines and minimum requirements for project components and systems, with references to more detailed information in Volume 3.

Volume 2 | District Specifications and Campus Specifications Matrix

Volume 2 is a set of guide specifications in CSI MasterFormat, with a consolidated list of preferred products for all nine campuses.

Volume 3 | Appendices

Volume 3 is an expanded set of detailed requirements and standards plus a continuously updated series of Bulletins covering specific provisions and requirements.