Retiree Benefits and Open Enrollment

Retiree Benefits

The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) provides extensive health coverage along with wellness programs designed to keep you and your dependents healthy. We encourage you to explore the information below and reach out to us if you have any questions.

Magnifying glass over keyboard showing Open Enrollment
Card displaying Health Benefits on a desktop
Wooden blocks displaying HRA
Person searching on tablet for claims over a laptop
Reading nook with a plush armchair and coffee table

Medicare B Reimbursement Process

  • Eligible Retirees and Spouses (including Domestic Partners) as covered in the Master Benefits Agreement.

  • Surviving spouses (including Domestic Partners).

    • If they are still receiving retirement benefits under a CalPERS or CalSTRS retirement system as an annuitant and are receiving Medical Plan Coverage under a LACCD covered plan.


Your reimbursement amount depends on your District vesting for benefits and when you retired.

  • If you retired with less than 10 years of District service, you are not eligible to receive a reimbursement.
  • If you worked 10-14 years at the District you will receive 50% reimbursement.
  • If you worked 15-19 years at the District you will receive 75% reimbursement.
  • If you worked 20+ years at the District you will receive 100% reimbursement.


Medicare part B reimbursement retirees do not have to submit proof of payment. You only need to submit one of the items listed below along with a completed Claim Form.

  • SSA-1099: This is a tax document sent each year from the Social Security Administration, usually in January or February of the following year.
  • CMS-1585 (Notice of Medical Insurance Enrollment and Premium Deduction): This document is sent from the Social Security Administration annually, usually in December. This document shows the amount you will be paying for your Medicare premiums in the upcoming year. You would need to save this document until time to submit for that year. It must contain the Medicare Part B premium amount.
  • Proof of Income or Benefit Verification: This letter can be obtained from the Social Security Administration.

You can contact Social Security to request a copy of these documents by phone at 800-772-1213 or online through your Social Security account.

Option Description
Mobile App Snap picture of documentation and submit via the ASIFlex App

Scan image of documentation and submit online on ASIFlex Website.

Toll-free Fax

Complete claim form and fax to ASIFlex.

Fax Number: (877) 879-9038


Complete claim form and mail to ASIFlex.

Address: ASIFlex, P.O. Box 9044, Columbia, MO 65203


The deadline to submit claims is March 31stof the following year.

For example:

January 1-December 31, 2023 expenses and Medicare B premiums

  • Deadline is March 31, 2024



If you did not find what you were looking for, have questions, or need further assistance, please visit our Contacts Page to find the appropriate contact to assist you!