Welcome To The Los Angeles Community Colleges!
We are glad that you have chosen to work for the Los Angeles Community College District, the largest community college district in the nation! We are delighted to have you on our team.
In the next few weeks, you will meet many members of our administration, faculty and staff. We have chosen to work for the District because of our commitment to education: as a faculty member in the classroom, or as an administrator or a staff member providing the necessary support services to help our students succeed.
As a new employee, you will get assistance and information you need from your immediate supervisor and your co-workers, and your worksite personnel office. However, you can also get help by using these webpages designed especially for new employees. This site contains information to get you started -- from your first day, through your first few weeks. It has the forms you need, your payroll calendar, benefits, collective bargaining agreements, the history of the District and more. If it's not here, just ask someone for help.
We hope your career at the District will be a rewarding, fulfilling and productive experience.
Dr. Francisco Rodriguez
Pre-Employment Processing
Forms to be completed and processed prior to employment
Complete Report of Convictions form HR-4
Contact Your Worksite Personnel Office to Schedule your Livescan (Fingerprint) appointment
State law and District policy require that all "new hire" employees be fingerprinted and cleared before processing of their assignment is considered complete. All fingerprints taken are screened by the Department of Justice. FBI screening is required for student employees, professional experts, or community service teachers whose work involves supervision or association with minors under 18 years of age.
Complete Employment Eligibility Verification form I-9
Form I-9 is used for verifying the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. All U.S employers must ensure proper completion of Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. Employees must be prepared to present original and unexpired documents to their worksite personnel office.
California Education Code 87408.6 requires that all community college employees provide proof that they are free from infectious tuberculosis (TB).
- Step 1: Employee shall complete page one of Form TCB-01 School Staff & Volunteers: Tuberculosis Risk Assessment.
- Step 2: Employee shall take Form TCB-01 School Staff & Volunteers: Tuberculosis Risk Assessment (page one) and the Certificate of Completion Tuberculosis Risk Assessment and/or Examination (page three) to their health care provider for consultation and signature. Note: Based on the employee’s responses to the risk assessment portion of the form and their health care provider’s assessment of the employee’s medical history, the health care provider may require that the employee take a TB skin test or chest x-ray before he/she completes the certification.
- Step 3: Employee shall submit the completed Certificate of Completion Tuberculosis Risk Assessment and/or Examination and if applicable, any test results, to the college personnel office. Please retain a copy of all documentation for your records.
If you have any questions about this employment requirement, please refer to page two of Form School Staff & Volunteers: Tuberculosis Risk Assessment User Guide and the School Staff and Volunteers Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Frequently Asked Questions. See links below.
Tuberculosis: Get the Facts PDFs
School Staff & Volunteers: Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Form (TCB-01)
School Staff and Volunteers Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Frequently Asked Questions
Per Board Policy 2900, as a condition of employment and a condition to physically accessing any District building, classroom, library, gymnasium, facility, or other indoor setting, all District employees shall present proof that they have been “Fully Vaccinated” against the SARS- CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) unless exempt for medical or religious reasons.
A District employee will be considered to have been “Fully Vaccinated” if the person receives both the initial COVID-19 Vaccine inoculation(s), and any and all “booster” inoculations, recommended by state or local health officials.
Employees who are granted a medical or religious exemption shall undergo regular testing for COVID-19 infection and shall produce proof of negative COVID-19 test results.
Select and complete packet below based on your classification. If you have any questions about your classification, please check with your worksite personnel office.
Academic Employee Forms
Job Classification Examples: Faculty, Dean, Administrator
(Minimum Qualifications Screening by Human Resources must be completed prior to pre-employment)
Classified Employee Forms
Job Classification Examples: Custodian, Secretary, Manager
Please see attached link to Personnel Commission page for list of Classified job classifications.
Personnel Commission Job Classifications
If you were hired into and Specially Funded Program (SFP) classification, please complete the SFP Acknowledgment of Employment Conditions form C1117
Unclassified Employee Forms
Job Classification Examples: Student Worker, Professional Expert, Community Service Teacher, Trainer/Presenter
Employment Processing
Forms to be completed on first day of employment
Beginning January 1, 2020, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate (Form W-4) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will be used for federal income tax withholding only. You must file the State form Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate (DE 4) to determine the appropriate California Personal Income Tax (PIT) withholding.
If you do not provide your employee with a withholding certificate, the employer must use Single with Zero withholding allowance.
Complete Employee Federal Withholding Certificate (W-4)
Complete Employee State Withholding Allowance Certficate (DE 4)
Review information and complete applicable forms.
Check with your worksite personnel office to determine which form(s) is applicable to your assignment.
Academic and Classified Employees who qualify may complete the following form.
Resources For Employees
Additional resources can be found on the Human Resources SharePoint site.
HR Website | Employee Intranet
*SSO login is required.