Salary Step Placement

New employees to the District are typically hired on the first step of a five-step salary range.  Advancement to the second step occurs on the first day of the pay period following completion of 130 days of paid service in a regular assignment (approximately six months of employment).  Subsequent salary increases to the third, fourth and fifth steps of a salary range will come annually (12 pay periods) after your first salary increase.  Exceptions to this general policy are discussed below.

Within the classified service, some job classifications are compensated on a flat hourly rate.  Classified employees who are assigned to such jobs will be placed on that rate.  There are no further salary step advancements for these employees.

Personnel Commission Rule 578

Personnel Commission Rule 582

AFT College Staff Guild Contract-Article 23

Local 99 Contract-Article 19

Local 721 Contract-Article 18

Building Trades Contract-Article 17

Because it is the goal of the District to pay competitive salaries to its employees, it is sometimes necessary to make adjustments to the five-step salary range of a classification.  In some instances, hiring in on a step other than the first step is authorized for all employees hired into the classification (Accelerated Hiring Rate).  In other situations, the salary range for a job classification is shortened so that there are fewer than five steps in the salary schedule for the class (Shortened Salary Range).  This is done to enhance the ability of the District to recruit and retain qualified applicants and employees.  The Personnel Commission and Board of Trustees take this action.

An employee initially employed at a rate above the first step will advance to the next higher step as of the first day of the pay period following completion of one year of paid service on the initial step.

Personnel Commission Rule 578

Personnel Commission Rule 582

AFT College Staff Guild Contract-Article 23

Local 99 Contract-Article 19

Local 721 Contract-Article 18

Building Trades Contract-Article 17

In some instances, new hires may be rated-in at a step above the minimum step of the established salary schedule during the pre-employment process. It should be noted that not all job classifications are eligible for rating-in. The following is a listing of the primary job classifications that may be eligible for the rating-in process:

  • Executive, administrative, or supervisory job classifications as defined in Personnel Commission Rule 596.
  • Highly specialized professional information technology job classes.
  • Professional-level job classes at the journey-level or higher when the eligibility list resulted in a limited number of eligibles and delay in filling the position would negatively impact important District operational activities.

The criteria for designating a job classification as one where rating-in can occur, as well as guidelines for determining appropriate step placement for an individual, are defined in Personnel Commission Rule 583.

 If you are initially employed at a rate above the first step, you will advance to the next higher step as of the first day of the pay period following completion of one year of paid service on the initial step.

Upon promotion, a regular employee will be placed on that step of the new salary schedule that represents at least 5% over the employee’s current base salary.

Personnel Commission Rule 578

Personnel Commission Rule 582

Overtime & Compensatory Time

A non-exempt employee is paid for any hours worked beyond 8 hours in a day, 40 hours in a week or receives compensatory time off. Such hours will be paid at a rate in accordance with State and Federal law or as compensatory time off.  Compensatory time off must be taken within the same fiscal year.  If not used, the employee will be paid for the time.  Overtime work must have the prior approval of your supervisor.

Personnel Commission Rule 596

AFT College Staff Guild Contract-Article 12

Local 99 Contract-Article 8

Local 721 Contract-Article 7

Building Trades Contract-Article 10

Pay Periods

A pay period shall consist of the total workdays or total work hours during a calendar month. There are twelve monthly pay periods each year - one for each month. Classified employees are paid in accordance with the schedule reflected in the Payroll Calendar which has a maximum of 12 pay periods in a year.

Pay frequency refers to the number of times an employee receives a paycheck during a single monthly pay period. Represented classified employees typically receive two paychecks during a monthly pay period. Unrepresented classified employees typically receive one paycheck in a monthly pay period.

Your paycheck is accompanied by an earnings statement which gives an account of the pay period as well as a cumulative record of your earnings, deductions, and certain leave balances, such as vacation for the year-to-date.

Salary warrants paychecks) are available by mail, pick up at the District Office and college, or by electronic fund transfer to your bank account.

AFT College Staff Guild Contract-Article 12

Local 99 Contract-Article 8

Local 721 Contract-Article 7

Building Trades Contract-Article 17

Payroll Deductions

Typically, an employee’s salary warrant is subject to the following compulsory deductions:

  • Withholding tax retained for the Internal Revenue Service as payment on your Federal Income Tax.  Your salary and the number of dependents for whom you request deductions determine the amount withheld.
  • State Withholding Tax
  • Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPers)
  • O.A.S.D.H.I. (Social Security)
  • Medicare Tax
  • Union dues or agency fee, depending on bargaining unit, if employee is eligible and chooses to opt-in.
  • Employees may authorize voluntary deductions for the purchase of United States Savings Bonds, tax sheltered annuities, employee credit union shares, college foundations or other approved salary deductions.  Each type of deduction is explained on the salary warrant stub.

Retirement Savings Plans

Classified employees may purchase tax sheltered annuities via payroll deduction.

District employees, under Section 403(B) of the Internal Revenue Code, have a means of deferring federal and state income tax that is unique to colleges, universities and other non-profit organizations. These tax deferred annuity plans offer tax and retirement benefit advantages which reduce your gross wages before federal and state taxes are computed. Theoretically, when these funds are withdrawn later in life, the employee is in a lower income tax bracket and receives a tax benefit. You can enroll in a tax-deferred annuity plan at any time during the year by calling one of the approved companies' representatives that offer such plans; you may request a list of those representatives.

AFT College Staff Guild Contract-Article 21

Local 99 Contract-Article 17

Local 721 Contract-Article 16

Building Trades Contract-Article 16

A 457 plan allows you to shelter a portion of your salary from income taxes and direct your money into investment options of your choosing. The earnings grow tax-free, until the money is withdrawn as taxable income during retirement. By investing before taxes, you get an immediate tax savings and take advantage of the full earning power of your money. Because your earnings automatically reinvest tax-free, your savings potential grows significantly the longer you participate in the program.

Detailed information including forms and a list of providers is available at

Electronic Fund Transfer

The District can electronically transfer your paycheck into a checking or savings account at the financial institution of your choice if it supports such transfers.  Your money will be available the morning of payday.  Your location personnel or payroll department can provide you with an authorization form.

AFT College Staff Guild Contract-Article 12

Health, Dental, Vision & Life Insurance Benefits

The District’s Health Benefits Program is designed to recognize and protect the District’s investment in each employee by promoting and preserving good health.  Every employee who is assigned at least half time (86.67 hours per pay period) as either a probationary or regular classified employee, shall be eligible to enroll in plans under the Health Benefits Program.  Eligible District employees and their eligible dependents receive hospital, medical, dental and vision care coverage.  The District also makes life insurance coverage available to employees.  Employees may purchase additional life insurance coverage for themselves and their eligible dependents by payroll deduction.

Upon employment, each new employee who is eligible to enroll in plans under the Health Benefits Program can obtain the information from the campus/location personnel office, the Health Benefits Unit at the District Office, or through the Health Benefits Unit website.

A new eligible employee must submit enrollment forms as early as possible to ensure insurance coverage the first of the month following their hire date.

Completed enrollment applications must be sent directly to the Health Benefits Unit at the email address listed below.




770 Wilshire Blvd., 6th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90017

In some instances, employees who retire from both the District and PERS simultaneously, and meet a number of special requirements are eligible to carry District paid health, dental and vision care into retirement.

It is the responsibility of the employee to promptly report changes which affect benefit eligibility, such as the number of dependents and marital status, to the Benefits Section at the District Office.

AFT College Staff Guild Contract-Article 21

Local 99 Contract-Article 17

Local 721 Contract-Article 16

Building Trades Contract-Article 16

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The District’s Employee Assistance Program is a screening, information, referral, and support service for employees and their family members.  The program is designed to help individuals cope with a wide range of personal and professional problems that can affect health and well-being as well as job performance. With help, these problems can often be resolved. Both unions and management support the EAP.

The EAP professional staff are licensed and certified in their respective disciplines. The District's EAP provider is Telus Health (formerly Lifeworks). They can be reached through the Telus Health website, Telus Health app, or by calling (800) 581-1485, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Phone and video appointments are available through the Telus Health app. The network of counselors and specialists can assist in addressing a wide range of concerns including:

  • Emotional and Marital/Relationship Issues
  • Child/Elder Care Referrals
  • Substance Use Disorder
  • Child Care and Parenting Concerns
  • Legal Assistance
  • Financial Consultation
  • Health and Wellness
  • Educational Referrals

The decision to participate in the EAP is up to the individual employee or family member. A supervisor, union representative, or co-worker may recommend an employee seek help, but the final decision is the employee's.

The program ensures strict confidentiality. No information regarding an employee's participation in EAP is released unless the employee authorizes it in writing.

The EAP is an employee benefit.  There is no charge for using the basic services.  If extended services or referrals are required, there may be a charge for service.

AFT College Staff Guild Contract-Article 21

Local 99 Contract-Article 17

Local 721 Contract-Article 16

Building Trades Contract-Article 16

Credit Unions

Credit unions offer a large range of services, depending on the services a particular credit union's members demand.  They can range from basic services such as shares (deposits) and loans, to a full-service credit union that serves as its members' primary financial institution.  Some credit unions also offer share certificates, financial planning, individual retirement accounts, mutual funds, auto loans, signature loans, home equity loans, home mortgage loans, small business loans, share drafts (checking accounts), credit cards, and ATM and debit cards.  Members of a credit union share a common bond such as the same workplace, church, fraternal organization, or neighborhood.

There are a number of credit unions that provide services to employees of educational institutions.  Employees must go directly to the credit union office to receive information and application material.

Training & Educational Opportunities

To assist you in identifying a career path and preparing for promotional opportunities, the Personnel Commission has prepared a Career Ladders Guide that outlines career paths within the District, salary information for all positions in the District, information on the qualifications necessary for various positions, educational resources to obtain those qualifications, and tuition reimbursement information. The Guide is available through the Personnel Commission website via the link above. Individual counseling appointments are also available with a member of the Personnel Commission staff by emailing

The District recognizes that education is and should be a continuous opportunity, and encourages regular employees to seek education and training to improve the skills and abilities related to their current positions as well as to train for promotion.  The contract and rule provisions related to study opportunities and tuition reimbursement varies by employee group, however, in general there are opportunities for:

  • Release time for courses during a regular work-day
  • Reimbursement of tuition and fees
  • Reimbursement for textbooks and materials

If you wish to take advantage of these opportunities, you should consult with your supervisor, take the necessary steps to become a student and follow applicable contract and rule provisions related to your employment category.

AFT College Staff Guild Contract-Article 17

Local 99 Contract-Article 16

Local 721 Contract-Article 15

Building Trades Contract-Article 20