A Note of Gratitude from LACCD Interim Chancellor Román
Dear LACCD Community,
As we come together to celebrate Thanksgiving, I want to take a moment to reflect on the spirit of gratitude and express my heartfelt appreciation for the extraordinary people who make up the Los Angeles Community College District. Every student, faculty, staff member, administrator, and every family plays an essential role in shaping LACCD into the diverse, vibrant, and thriving community we are today.
This year, I am especially thankful for the opportunity to serve as LACCD’s Interim Chancellor. It is an honor and a privilege to advocate for the largest community college district in the nation, which serves over 200,000 students annually. This work would not be possible without the unwavering dedication and support of the entire LACCD community.
As an immigrant and first-generation college graduate, I have seen firsthand the transformative power of education to uplift students, change lives, and strengthen communities. My journey inspires my deep commitment to expanding access to education and advancing equity through meaningful support for our students.
This Thanksgiving is particularly special as it coincides with the launch of BOOST, our Guaranteed Basic Income program, a project of the Foundation for the Los Angeles Community Colleges with funding from The Broad Foundation. The timing couldn’t be more fitting, with the first round of funds reaching students just before the holiday. BOOST provides not only financial relief but a lifeline for students facing difficult choices between meeting basic needs and pursuing their education. By helping cover essential expenses, BOOST also strengthens career pathways in critical fields like healthcare and behavioral health, where the impact of our students will be life-changing for communities across Los Angeles.
As you celebrate this holiday with your loved ones, I encourage you to reflect on the season, acknowledge your contributions, and appreciate the efforts of those around you. Together, we can continue to support one another and uphold our shared vision of ensuring access to higher education and providing the opportunities and resources our students need to thrive.
On behalf of the LACCD family, I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and joyful holiday.
Warm regards,

Dr. Alberto J. Román
Interim Chancellor
Members of the LACCD Board | Nichelle Henderson, President |
Kelsey K. Iino, Ed.D., Vice President | Sara Hernandez, J.D., Second Vice President |
Gabriel Buelna, Ph.D. | Andra Hoffman | David Vela | Steven F. Veres |
Ambyr C. Baham, Student Trustee