Remembering the Victims at UNLV and a Call for Unity

December 7, 2023

By Juliet Hidalgo

Dear LACCD Colleagues, 

Once again, another tragic mass shooting has occurred in the United States.  On behalf of the Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees and District Administration, we share our deep sadness regarding the recent and tragic shootings that occurred at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV).  Our thoughts and prayers go out to the innocent victims, their families and loved ones, and the entire UNLV community during this difficult time.   

As an academic community, we stand in solidarity with UNLV and call upon our elected officials for national gun reform, once and for all.  These tragic events painfully remind us to remain vigilant in our commitment to foster campus safety and security at our nine colleges and District Office. 

These senseless acts of violence affect us all.  When tragedies like this occur, you may find yourself needing to talk to someone.  We encourage you to seek out support that you might need through our Employee Assistance Program and TELUS Health EAP (formerly LifeWorks) at (800) 581-1485 or visit  Also, additional counseling services for students and staff may be available through your campus health centers 

We honor the victims of the UNLV shootings by working towards a future where such unnecessary tragedies are prevented, and where our educational institutions remain as beacons of hope, enlightenment, and opportunity. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter, 


Chancellor Francisco C. Rodriguez, Ph.D.                Board of Trustees President David Vela
