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State Legislative and Budgetary Advocacy Achievements
(2015 – 2024)

Since 2015, the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) has successfully advocated for and received over $60 million to support LACCD programs and student services and has chaptered 27 legislative and budget measures. Importantly, this is not a one-time achievement. LACCD advocates every year for California Community College Base and Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increases, demonstrating our commitment to ongoing improvement and growth. 

LACCD State Accomplishments

The following is a listing of the District sponsored policy and fiscal measures from 2015 through 2024:

Community College Part-time Student Tutors – AB 2931 (Fong): This bill treats part-time students enrolled in merit districts like their full-time peers and simplifies their hiring process to work as student tutors. Approved by Governor Newsom on September 22, 2024. Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 422, Statutes of 2024.


Increased Access to Native Language Instruction – AB 1096 (Fong): This bill enables community college students to take credit and noncredit courses in their native language without requiring them to concurrently enroll in an ESL course. Governor Gavin Newsom signed the bill into law on October 8, 2023. Chapter 559, Education Code relating Education Code, relating to educational instruction.

Increased Community Use and Youth Athletic Access to Community College Facilities – AB 1151 (McKinnor): This bill requires community college districts to give priority access to their non- instructional facilities to socioeconomically disadvantaged youth athletic and community organizations. Governor Gavin Newsom signed the bill into law on July 13, 2023. Chapter 66, Education Code relating to Community Colleges.

Increased Funding for LGBTQ+ Student Services: This State Budget Request Funded $10 million per Year for Three Years for $30 million to provide wrap-around services, safe spaces, and other supports for LGBTQ+ students. AB 102 (Ting) Budget Act of 2023. Chapter 38, Section 12 of Article IV of the California Constitution.

Increased Funding for Community College Student Basic Needs: State Budget Request to increase student basic needs funding. Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) Provided to Basic Needs Categorical Program. The COLA was 8.22%, the same as the COLA for apportionments. This brings the total for basic needs to approximately $3.3 million statewide. AB 102 (Ting) Budget Act of 2023. Chapter 38, Section 12 of Article IV of the California Constitution.

Establishment of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Small Business and Entrepreneurship Center: State Budget Request for $2.5 million one-time funding to establish the LACCD Small Business and Entrepreneurship Center at East Los Angeles College. AB 102 (Ting) Budget Act of 2023. Chapter 38, Section 12 of Article IV of the California Constitution.

Establishment of the Los Angeles Community College District: California Center for Climate Change Education – AB 1913 (Bryan): This bill establishes the LACCD California Center for Climate Change Education Center at West Los Angeles College with a $5 million appropriation. Bill passed and absorbed into the California State Budget (AB 1913) with a $5 million allocation for West Los Angeles College. District Specific Request. AB 183 (Committee on the Budget) 2022. Chapter 54, of 2022.

Requires a Funding Analysis for Community College Instructional Service Agreements with Public Safety Agencies – AB 1942 (Muratsuchi): The bill requires the California Community College Chancellor’s Office to issue a recommendation to the Department of Finance and the Legislature on the instructional service agreement full-time equivalent student apportionment. The bill was passed and signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom. Chapter 930, Statutes of 2022.

Expanding Access to California College Promise Program for Community College Returning Students - AB 2266 (Santiago): This bill expands the California College Promise Program fee waiver to full-time returning students attending community colleges. The bill passed with a statewide $25 million allocation and was absorbed into the California State Budget (AB 2266). Statewide Budget Request. AB 183 (Committee on the Budget) 2022. Chapter 54, of 2022.

Establishment of the Community College Hire UP: From Corrections to Career Pilot Program – AB 2425 (Bryan): The bill establishes the Hire UP: From Corrections to Career Pilot Program in the California Community Colleges Statewide. The bill passed with a statewide $30 million allocation and was absorbed into the California State Budget (AB 2425). Statewide Budget Request. AB 183 (Committee on the Budget) 2022. Chapter 54, of 2022.

Funding for the East Los Angeles College Vincent Price Art Museum Collection: The State Budget requests funds for the establishment of the ELAC Digitization Initiative for $1 million. AB 183 (Committee on the Budget) 2022 passed with a budget allocation of $1 million. Chapter 54, of 2022.

Funding for the Establishment of the Biotechnology Program: The State Budget request funds and establishes the Los Angeles Mission College Biotechnology Program for $10 million. AB 183 (Committee on the Budget) 2022 passed with a Los Angeles Mission College budget allocation of $10 million. Chapter 54, of 2022.

Requires Community College Students to Complete One Ethnic Studies Course – AB 1040 (Muratsuchi): Requires community college to complete at minimum one three-unit course in ethnic studies as a requirement to obtain an Associate degree. The bill was held in the Senate Education Committee; however, the bill resulted in a BOG Title V regulatory change related to Ethnic Studies.

Increases Flexibility for Community College Human Resources – AB 1383 (Carrillo): This bill makes technical changes to allow community colleges more time to complete their investigation of an academic employee accused of misconduct. The bill was passed and signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on June 28, 2021. Chapter 29, Statutes of 2021.

Establishes the Los Angeles Community College District Affordable Housing Pilot Program – SB 330 (Durazo): This bill provides flexibility to community colleges and districts wishing to enter into joint occupancy agreements with a private party to develop and operate affordable housing for students and employees. The bill was passed and signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on October 6, 2021. Chapter 572, Statues of 2021.

Increases Funding for Student Basic Needs: Increases funding for community college students' basic needs, including food, housing, transportation, childcare, etc. Budget Item funds $30 million ongoing, and $100 million in 2021-22 one-time allocation. Statewide Budget Request. SB 129 (Skinner) Budget Act of 2021. Chapter 69, Section 12 of Article IV of the California Constitution.

Increases Funding for Student Housing and Basic Needs: This budget request funds Student Transitional Housing and enables community colleges to partner with local agencies and nonprofits to provide transitional housing for homeless students. Budget Item funds $100 million statewide for student basic needs, including housing. An additional $1 million is ongoing. AB 132 (Committee on Budget) Budget Act of 2021. Chapter 144, Statutes of 2021.

Increases Funding for Umoja Program: Increases funding for community college African-American student outreach, enrollment, and retention. Budget Item funds Umoja programs at $4.9 million ongoing. In 2022, an additional $1 million is ongoing. Statewide Budget Request. SB 129 (Skinner) Budget Act of 2021. Chapter 69, Section 12 of Article IV of the California Constitution.

Increases Funding for LGBTQ+ Students: This one-time budget request of $10 million provides additional funding to colleges to establish a Pilot Program to provide services to LGBTQ students. Budget Item funds $10 million Statewide – one-time grant. Statewide Budget Request. AB 132 (Committee on Budget) Budget Act of 2021. Chapter 144, Statutes of 2021.

*LACCD planned a robust legislative and budgetary agenda in 2020; most 2020 legislative proposals were halted due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.*

Increases Funding for Student Basic Needs: LACCD Supported. State-allocated community colleges block grants for all COVID-related expenses. AB 89 (Ting) Budget Act of 2020. Chapter 7, Section 12 of Article IV of the California Constitution.

Establishes the Community Colleges California College Promise Program – AB 2 (Santiago): This bill provides tuition-free education at the Community Colleges for a 2nd year for all first-time, full-time (12 units or more) students. The bill was passed and signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on October 4, 2019. Chapter 509, Statutes of 2019.

Establishes the Los Angeles Community College District Best Value Procurement Pilot program – AB 356 (Santiago): Authorizes the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) to utilize a best value procurement process as a pilot project. The bill was passed and signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on August 30, 2017. Chapter 173, Statutes of 2019.

Increases funding for LACCD’s Dream Resource Centers and LGBTQ Students: This proposal provides additional funding to the LACCD’s Dream Resource Centers to support undocumented students and LGBTQ students. $3.9 Million was allocated in The Budget Act for Student Basic Needs. Statewide Budget Request. AB 74 (Ting) Budget Act of 2019. Chapter 23, Section 12 of Article IV of the California Constitution.

Simplifies the CCCApply Application – AB 3101 (Carrillo): This bill removes unnecessary questions from the California Community College Application making it easier for students to apply. The bill was passed and signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on September 19, 2018. Chapter 553, Statutes of 2018.

Establishes the Community Colleges California College Promise Program – AB 19 (Santiago): This bill establishes the California College Promise Program to provide community college tuition-free education for all first-time, full-time students, regardless of age, race, income, or documented status. The bill was passed and signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on October 13, 2017. Chapter 735, Statutes of 2017.

Expands the Dual Enrollment Program for undocumented students – AB 2364 (Holden): This bill authorizes community college districts to waive fees for concurrently enrolled nonresident undocumented students and collect apportionment for them. The bill was passed and signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on September 12, 2016. Chapter 299, Statutes of 2017.

Establishes the College and Career Access Pathways Partnerships Program – AB 288 (Holden): This bill authorizes community college districts to enter into a College and Career Access Pathways partnership with school district governing boards for student dual enrollment purposes. The bill was passed and signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on October 8, 2015. Chapter 618, Statutes of 2015.