A magnifying glass being held to a laptop's keyboard. Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/d9ILr-dbEdg

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Listed below are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for various Information Security services or initiatives. For additional information about any of these items, please contact the LACCD Information Security Team at @email

What is LACCD Information Security Awareness?

LACCD has adopted Board Policy 3720, Computer and Network Use, and associated procedures to assure that all who access District information systems use those resources responsibly.  In support of this policy, the District requires mandatory annual information security awareness for all employees to help you understand your role in protecting the District’s information resources, and to acknowledge your agreement to comply with the District’s Administrative Procedure 3720, Computer and Network Use.   

How do I access the security awareness content? 

1. Log into the Vision Resource Center by clicking "Login Now", and enter your District email address in the form "username@email.laccd.edu." You will be directed to the LACCD Single-Sign-On (SSO) page to complete login.

2. Click on "My Transcript," as shown below.

3. The title is "LACCD|Information Security Awareness 2023-2024". Click "Open Curriculum" to begin. 

4. If you have any issues accessing the content, email infosec@laccd.edu. 

When is it due?

Completion of LACCD Information Security Awareness 2023-2024 must be complete by June 30, 2024. 


What is the LACCD Phishing Awareness Campaign?

Malicious attackers on the Internet have become very sophisticated in sending phishing emails to LACCD employees that attempt to gain access to our information systems, or for financial gain. The District is conducting a phishing awareness campaign for all LACCD employees. This campaign is designed to help our employees recognize these phishing attacks so they can protect themselves and our community from harm.

Why Are We Doing This?

Studies have shown that routine simulations of phishing attempts reduce email recipient’s susceptibility to phishing. The goal is to improve everyone’s ability to resist phishing attacks, and in turn, protect your personal information and the personal information of our students and employees. These simulations are also recommended by our auditors and insurers.

How Will the Campaign Work?

The LACCD Information Security Team will periodically send a simulated “phishing” email to your inbox that will contain links that attempt to collect your password or other information. If you do click, no personal information will be collected. You will be notified that you clicked on a potentially dangerous link, and receive tips on how to identify phishing emails in the future.

Will There be Consequences for Clicking on the Simulated “Phishing” Email?

No; the purpose of this campaign is purely educational. You will be notified immediately if you click on a dangerous link, and provided with guidance. Managers will not have access to the simulation results of individual employees. Users who repeatedly click on simulated phishing emails will be offered additional information security training.

What Should I Do if I Recognize the Email as Phishing?

Anytime you receive a message that looks suspicious, or you are unsure whether is legitimate, please forward to  @email for analysis. Otherwise, you can simply delete and disregard the email.

What if I have additional questions?

If you have any questions about the Phishing Awareness Campaign or any other questions about information security, please email @email for assistance. 

What is a Shared Mailbox in Outlook?

A Shared Mailbox allows several individuals to access a common inbox, enabling them to collaborate efficiently. Users with access to the Shared Mailbox can send emails on behalf of it. Any modifications, like reading, categorizing, replying to, or deleting emails, will be instantly visible to all users who have access to the Shared Mailbox. Below are tutorials explaining how to access a shared mailbox and send an email on behalf of the shared mailbox address.

 How to Access A Shared Mailbox in Outlook


After opening the Outlook desktop app, click on the left pointing arrow on the left side of your screen. 

A close-up screenshot of the top left corner of Outlook for Windows Desktop. A big red arrow was edited into the screenshot and is pointing to the gray arrow icon above the "Inbox" tab.


You will find your new shared mailbox below your personal district email. Here, you will be able to check your inbox, drafts, sent items, archive, conversation action settings, conversation history, junk email, and the outbox. 

This image is a screenshot of Outlook for Windows desktop displaying the various mailboxes a user has they have access to a shared account.




How to Send an Email on Behalf of the Shared Mailbox Address

Step 1: 

Click "New Email" to compose a new email.

A screenshot of the top left corner of the Outlook app for Windows Desktop with a red arrow pointing at the "New Email" icon.

Step 2:

Click "Options" tab and select "From" in the "Show Fields" group.

A screenshot of the "Options" pane ribbon in Outlook for Windows.

Step 3:

Lastly, click "From" > "From" and choose the shared mailbox in the global address book to send emails.