A password is a string of characters that includes numbers, letters and symbols that are used to verify your permission to access to LACCD's information resources. Passwords are personal to you, and should ALWAYS be kept secret.
Never share your password with anyone. LACCD staff will never ask you for your password, nor will LACCD staff ever send you an email requesting your password.
A strong password is designed to be complex and therefore difficult to guess or crack. LACCD enforces the following password standards on our Single Sign-On (SSO) System:
- Passwords must be at least 14 characters long
- Passwords must contain at least one character from each of the following:
- Upper case letter (A-Z)
- Lower case letter (a-z)
- Numeric character (0-9)
- Special character (! # % & ( ) * @ ^)
- Passwords must be changed annually, at a minimum
Users should remember to use a unique strong password for each of their important accounts. Using a well-reviewed, cross-platform password manager that can generate complex passwords for every application can be helpful.
It is very important that after users have created a strong password for their LACCD Login, to be sure to protect it and never share their password with anyone, not even a relative or colleague.