Contact Us

The Personnel Commission and its staff welcome the opportunity to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Please note that the Personnel Commission staff is working on a hybrid basis. Staff are scheduled to be on-site to answer your calls during work hours, however, we encourage all who have questions or concerns to please contact us via email at one of the email addresses below. €‹



Personnel Commission General Information:​​ 
Classified Employment and Examination Information: @email

You can send us a secure email that will usually be answered within 48 hours or less. Some responses may take longer depending on the level of research required.​


770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90017​

Our office is located in downtown Los Angeles at the corner of Wilshire and Flower. While we do not offer parking at our building, there are a number of public garages in the vicinity of our office. Parking fees in the area typically range from $10-20. We do not validate for parking.

Please contact us for an appointment before traveling to our office. By making an appointment in advance we can assure that the individual you need to speak with is available and prepared to assist you.


Personnel Commission website

Telephone Numbers:

Personnel Commission Main Line: (213) 891-2333
Job and Examination Information​: (213) 891-2129
Personnel Commission Office Hours:

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

You can also search for answers to frequently asked questions and register to be notified of job openings online on our website.​