Laws & Rules
Personnel Commission
Laws & Rules
- 516 Classification of Employees and Positions
- 517 Positions Exempted from the Classified Service as "Professional Experts" and "Community Representatives" and Specialized Services Provided by Architectural or Engineering Firms
- 518 Positions Classified as "Restricted"
- 519 Senior Administrative Positions and Employees
- 520 Executive Secretaries to Chancellor and Board of Trustees
- 522 Class Titles and Descriptions
- 523 Classification of New Positions
- 537 Part-Time Employees
- 544 Classification Policy
- 545 Classification Studies
- 550 Payment for Inconsistent Duties: Temporary Work Out of Classification
- 570 Compensation
- 578 Salary Step Advancement Within Class for Regular Employees
- 582 Allocation to Appropriate Salary Step
- 583 Rating-In of New Classified Employees in Select Job Classifications
- 584 Recruitment Differential
- 585 Compensation for Employees in Limited-Term Assignments
- 586 Pay Differential for Night Work
- 587 Salary Differential for Intermittent Lead Assignments
- 588 Salary Differential for Employees Using Bilingual Skills
- 591 Salary Allocation at Reclassification or Reallocation
- 593 Retention Differential
- 594 Career Increment Differentials for Unrepresented Employees Upon Promotion or Transfer
- 595 Salary Differentials for Multiple College Responsibility
- 596 Overtime
- 600 Rejection of Applicants, Candidates and Eligibles
- 615 Examinations
- 616 Special Examination Administrations
- 618 Veteran's Credit
- 621 Seniority Credit on Promotional Examinations
- 622 Fields of Competition
- 624 Reviews and Appeals of Examinations
- 625 Reimbursement of Candidates' Travel Expenses
- 626 Reimbursement of Raters' Travel and Expenses
- 635 Appointments from Eligibility Lists
- 642 Establishment and Duration of Eligibility Lists
- 647 Assignments from Substitute and Relief Pool Lists
- 659 Order of Precedence in Certification for Filling Vacancies
- 664 Withholding Names from Eligibility Lists or from Certification
- 681 Merging of Eligibility Lists
- 598 Audit and Correction of Personnel Actions
- 667 General Employment Requirements
- 671 Limited-Term Assignments and Appointments
- 682 Health Evaluations
- 701 Probationary and Permanent Status
- 702 Performance Evaluation for Probationary and Permanent Classified Employees
- 703 Employee Information and Records
- 710 Voluntary Reduction to Substitute or Relief Status
- 715 Transfer and Change in Office Location
- 716 Change to a Related Class
- 717 Change of Service Assignment
- 725 Multiple Assignments
- 726 Concurrent Assignments
- 740 Layoff and Reemployment
- 745 Voluntary Demotion or Reduction in Status or Assigned Time
- 750 Reassignment of Employees Because of Disability
- 762 Employment of Permanent Employees after Unsuccessful Probationary Period in a Promotional Position
- 763 Employment of Retired Members of the Public Employees' Retirement System
- 768 Resignation
- 771 Reinstatement
- 741 Leave of Absence Prior to Layoff
- 781 Absence in Response to a Court Subpoena
- 782 Absence for Jury Duty
- 784 Work-Related Absences
- 790 Casual Absences for Unrepresented Employees
- 800 Bereavement Leave
- 803 Leaves of Absence
- 804 Leaves Resulting from Industrial Accident or Industrial Illness
- 805 Peace Corps of The United States, American Red Cross, or United States Merchant Marine Leave of Absence
- 806 Retraining and Study Leaves of Absences
- 807 Personal Necessity Leave
- 808 Illness Leave for Regular Classified Employees
- 809 Paid Illness Leave for Limited Term Employees
- 810 Family and Medical Leave
- 812 Vacation Leave
- 816 Paid Holidays
- 820 Military Leave of Absence
- 720 Nepotism
- 735 Causes and Procedures for Suspension, Demotion, and Dismissal
- 775 Working Periods
- 831 Employee Professional Development and Tuition Reimbursement
- 836 Appeals of Medical Disqualifications of Classified Employees and Eligibles
- 891 Apprentices
- 893 Procedure for Adjustment of Grievances of Classified Personnel