Exam Review Policy

We realize that wanting to know “what I missed” or, “what was the right answer”, on written tests and “what did I say to warrant a low score” on an oral interview are normal reactions in any test taking situation. However, provisions of State law and the fact that testing materials are subject to future use means that test items, scoring keys, and other testing materials are legally categorized as confidential information. To balance the need of a candidate to understand their examination performance with the need to maintain our test confidentiality and security concerns, the Personnel Commission staff:

  • Encourages candidates to identify test questions they wish to be reviewed.
  • Provides Information such as test segment results, interview scores, pass points, and overall exam results in the examination results notice that each candidate receives.
  • Answers routine questions candidates have after receiving their results notice.
  • Affords candidates who have more in-depth questions on any part of an examination one opportunity to review their examination results with a qualified member of the Personnel Commission staff.

Together, these opportunities provide a candidate with sufficient information to understand their results and articulate an examination appeal if they believe that there has been procedural error, abuse of discretion or bias, or illegal discrimination.

Examination Review Appointment Information

Please note that if you are considering an appeal, you are required to review your results with a member of our staff during the designated review period as a prerequisite to filing an appeal.

Review Days: Reviews are typically conducted on the Tuesday and Thursday following the notification of exam results. Please refer to your examination results notice for the specific dates.
Appointment Hours: Reviews are conducted virtually by appointment only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. An appointment may last up to 30 minutes.
Contact Information: To schedule a review appointment, please email us at @email. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Noteworthy information:

  • Individual test items, test questions, evaluation factors, scoring keys, and related examination materials are not available for review because of confidentiality and security considerations.
  • The testing materials and results of other candidates are not available for review by a fellow candidate.
  • The comments and observations made by raters will be provided to a candidate; however, the identity of the rater making the comment or evaluation will not be disclosed.
  • Electronic recordings of oral interviews are not available for review.
  • Candidates may not be accompanied by others during the review session. A candidate may submit a request to designate a representative to attend the review in lieu of their own attendance. This request must be submitted in writing and is subject to approval by the Personnel Commission. Accommodations will be made for persons with ADA qualifying disabilities, upon request.
  • A qualified member of the Personnel Commission staff will conduct the review with the candidate.
  • Any device capable of recording will not be permitted during a review session.
  • Failure to schedule an appointment during the designated review period shall constitute a waiver of the right to review test results.

Our Commitment

We take the quality of our testing materials and processes seriously and want to know of any instances where an item may be flawed, an error has been made, or there are perceptions of unfairness or bias. Each question asked, comment made, or appeal filed is thoroughly researched to determine if the test or process has been compromised or there has been an adverse effect on any candidate. If an error is identified, corrective action is uniformly applied to all candidates.

We do not consider questions regarding the testing process as a problem but, rather, as an opportunity to improve the validity and credibility of our testing process and encourage feedback from candidates.